people i'm feeling better. anyway, EH i studied my physics well now.. cos i brought a book yesterday at $14.10 =.= new edition lols.. but inside really good.. but the money is not mine.. is my dad. HAHA.. hoho tomorrow maybe i shall continue with physics? or maths? but is like saturday i will be studying maths with si hui.. hmm then sunday i will give myself a break.. hmm i shall plan my timetable here..
sunday: rest monday: dnt tuesday: physics wednesday: poa thursday: chemistry friday: english saturday: maths / chinese
can or not ar? i don't think is good planning. haha. what ever..
wth.. ngee ann poly send me a letter to ci ji me again )= then my father say, since they don't except you, you work harder and get into the course to proof to them.. but the problem is.. i only got 2 actual course i want in my brain... how to fill up the other 18 courses? and will i really can get into that course?
okay. sorry i should not look down on my own.. who knows i may get into a JC? haha. oh man! studying time.. less than 67 days..
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Vanx: be ren's body guard is a difficult job. some more you so weak.. hmm nono. anyway thanks! my oral on friday man! faint..
Baby: oh i get a b3.. oh btw, i will be studying in school almost everyday till 6+..
Sihui: i think i better don't watch zhong ji yi jia till o levels finish. i think i wait for the dvd come out then buy and can watch peacefully after o levels (= anyway sis, thanks a lot! cos i really feel guilty.. i don't know why after i stop crying then call you again feel more like crying.
shing: cos shun bian ma (= actually we should work harder long time ago.. but at least now we want to study.. anyway laopo ar.. ngee ann send me a letter =.= about dpa again..
deb: thanks (= work hard for dnt ar.
Yihui: (= i'm going fight with si hui. lols! a place for me and her at SP? or maybe other school.. see who are we going to join with after our o levels.
lee: are you trying to hint me that you are like hebe? haha eh, tml i will give you morning call. you also work harder for other subjects man.. we got only 6 subjects left.. we already lose out a lot people.. and english oral is near by.. oh i can say next week is yours..
-------------------------------------------------- PLAY time.. (=
my ai ren's song:
a bit not pei lah.. that girl and him.. ARGH!! how dare.. haha. never mind.. HIS EP IS OUT TODAY!! i never order.. = never buy )= so sad... nevermind shall find it at cool zone or some where else. (= jiayou kingone!
不知何时开始 偷偷的看你 已变成乐趣
都是我太安静 不善于表明 不想我以动了心
心理早已腾出很多空气 等你回应 期待你会无意之间发现 有个地方让你躲雨
You're Welcome to my heart Welcome to my heart 有幸福的约定 与快乐为你预定
Welcome to my heart Welcome to my heart 愿意会是你 在互动之间让爱传定
Welcome to my heart
都是我太安静 不善于表明 不想我已经动了心
心理早已腾出很多空气 等你回应 期待你会无意之间发现 有个地方让你躲雨
You're Welcome to my heart Welcome to my heart 有幸福的约定 与快乐为你预定
Welcome to my heart Welcome to my heart 愿意会是你 在互动之间让爱传定
Welcome to my heart
心的钥匙交给你 除了用不会到期 期待能够在你心里 也住着一个我
You're Welcome to my heart Welcome to my heart 有幸福的约定 与快乐为你预定
Welcome to my heart Welcome to my heart 愿意会是你 在互动之间让爱传定
Welcome to my heart
Welcome to my heart..
and.. the 星光幫 youngest boy, the boy who is same age as our simei de campus superstar, SHAWNY.. haha.. his voice and shawny's voice.. hmm almost the same.. all so mature man =.= haha.. but they two got one thing.. cannot sing jia yin ar.. =.= very weird.. so he sang this song in the 星光幫's album.. it's not bad wor..