watch from 3:15 to 07:30 thi film is really like rainie de past. but she has no guys beside her ar. haha.
congrats.. i'm sick again.. damn it can't sleep properly last night.. was like manage get to sleep at around 3+ to 4+ then need to wake up at 6+.. but i slept to around 7.. my stupid blocked nose makes me can't breathe throughout the night.. then during the outing i was like oh my gosh.. i want to die.. and i got car sick man.. car? i think is bus.. haha. and i was running fever after that.. too weak.. but now better..but my mum ask me not to go to sch tomorrow as my brother won't be going school tomorrow too. (= one more day of holiday =p but one day of sickness. faint*
ohh. today went to the crocodile farm.. we are lucky to go today as the eggs of the crocodile is hatch, and that man peel of the shell to 'free' the baby.. haha. eh the baby can bit.. but it is ant bite that kind of pain.. 25- 30 cm long.. this is what we call baby? haha.. but this is not the most important part.. the most important part is that that man's baby. hahaha. it's almost as big as my house de baby.. but musch more clever, he is cute.. wakaka.. all the 'aunties' wants to carry him but failed too.. only ME, followed by my coursin CLARA. haha. but is like as heavy as matthew =.= okay we are there to see baby not crocodiles....
i have lots of pictures.. but i WEAK to upload.. yah yah, i'm weak what ever you idiot.. is only cos i sick.. when i'm feeling better shall i upload? haha. yeah.. huan huan ai epi 4 (= oh man... xiao mei is going to kiss my sis! NONONONONONONO!!! should be my shuai shuai de chuan yi!! ahh.. hope the ending will have changes.. is only the picture fake fake for us to see..