BOOM! pictures time..
yeah, the first nice pic with my new hair style (=
last day of intensive..
and erina expression is always like this.. so is really like this not i do till so kua zhang okays. (=
the way she uses her hp.. her hands is long... =.=
blink blink erina.. haha.
that's what happen during physics is very quiet...
so the food looks tempting??
look at the leg.. lols..
ms chan gossiping?
ways to make a baby sushi.. lmaos
dada.. baby sushi done.. =.=
during bus 72.. it is real bored...
yeah.. it is long where i go out with her..
msg who ar? it's liyun don't anyhow think..
why are they here in the mrt? i wonder..
ohh it's bausch & lomb softlens..
what the hell i only saw selina's and ella's.. then my hebe gone.. )=
one.. two.. three.. four.. five.. SIX!! =.='''
yesterday my family was so red..
his reaction..
another pic.. haha. getting to like my hair much.. dots..
my toys? oh man.. i still got a lot..
that's all..