wow. a lot people is putting the song 五月天 by S.H.E in their blog. but just don't know why i'm not sick of this song. i can listen from home to school, from school to home; from home to outside, outside to home. means this song is good (= i shall put it at the last day of the june. cos i intend to put it at first. make this may day a good ending ba. haha. but still, LET THE MUSIC PLAY!!
haha. oh. today got poly talks. hmm only manage to listen to TP, NAFA and RP de talk. NAFA oh my the fashion desgins make my eyes bright, but the music dissapoint me. lols! hmm i got pictures of the lecturer. opps =x a bit pervert to take their photo. but cos i got nothing to do. upload pics asap. (=