NO MOOD TO STUDY TODAY.. out with si hui to tampines to study.. and is like we sit there flipping my history cum social studies file.. too wu liao.. i'm too lazy to read it man.. and is like we have no where to go.. and went to open plaza to play. HAHA something funny happen.. si hui is HAHA (shh... i don't say. i shall say out when i go out with yi hui.. hoho)and really kids now a days are VERY RUDE! i was like playing and suddenly they come and can i play? with the tone which is like COMMAND you to let her.. but never mind lah.. let them, cos i'm a big kid lah.. ((=
WEE!! oh finally man!! can go out with the most busy JOANNE and the busy YI HUI on 5th august with si hui, ning zhi maybe esther? all the EVAN YO fans lah.. going to ask bbb and jia yi le (= hohoho.. so excited man! but the most exciting part is S.H.E lah.. oh man.. two weeks seems to be one year man! argh!!! i'm so jin zhang.. oh man, will i be able to get the tickets? if i never get i will cry man.. my HEBE!! ahhhhhh~~